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Reported via iOS in the Obstruction - Overgrown / overhanging private tree / hedge category anonymously at 14:59, Thursday 2 January 2025

Sent to Brent Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6922362.

I know you are aware, however this too much now. It is so hard to manoeuvre a wheelchair.

The pavement is completely blocked.

Please note, pedestrians are having to cross between cars barely. Oncoming vehicles will not be expecting pedestrians to suddenly come out from here.

The primary school which is a 5 minute walk away will be opening on Monday the 6th of January. This has to be cut and removed by then. If it is not there will be potential accidents.

Brent Council have been informed on the 10th of December and today the 2nd of January.

The homeowner is taking their belongings and fill doing decorating. The Estate Agent is HART.

A complete disregard for the public & their safety.

Please use your powers.

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