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Beginning of Brampton Road

Reported via desktop in the Faded yellow lines category anonymously at 16:20, Wednesday 30 October 2024

Sent to Brent Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6676867.

Dear Brent Council,

This morning I nearly got run over trying to cross the road after leaving the nearby Doctor's Surgery (Brampton Health Centre).

There are a lot of parked vehicles on the double yellow lines, and they all seem to ignore these parking restrictions.

When I complain to them, they shout and spit at me. I realise I am only a caucasian elderly man, and not of Indian heritage and do not understand Gujarati, but to feel like a second class citizen is unacceptable too.

The Council needs to once and for all prevent these people from parking here. Any big deterrent will be better than what is there now.

As other have said, on Saturday and Sunday afternoon it is the most dangerous.

I would greatly appreciate your urgent attention to this matter.

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