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Corner of carlisle gardens

Reported via mobile in the Private tree / hedge overgrown / overhanging the highway category anonymously at 08:45, Wednesday 30 October 2024

Sent to Brent Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6674316.

The hedge is massively intruding onto the pathway which makes it very difficult for 2 pedestrians to walk, let alone try and push a pram through. This is especially awfully located right by a school where footfall is increased during school hours. This makes is difficult in bad weather as the grass patch gets used and this is very muddy in the rain. The hedge is covering half the pavement. On the opposite corner of Carlisle Gardens you can see the owners have clearly cut their hedge right back to their boundary and this is not intruding into a public pathway. I've been dropping my child to Mount Stewart school for over 6 months now and this has been problematic for at least that duration.

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