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The gates in the fence around the pond in Gladstone Park

Reported via Android in the Park maintenance issue category anonymously at 12:08, Tuesday 29 October 2024

Sent to Brent Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6671445.

The two gates in the fence around the pond are usually padlocked to keep out vandals ad protect the wildlife. Currently, both padlocks are missing.

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  • I have been told by Brent Council that the missing padlocks will not be replaced as they have already been replaced on a previous occasion recently and stolen again. One of the missing padlocks protects the war memorial in Gladstone Park, containing statues. This has been vandalised previously and repaired at the expense of ratepayers. I'm shocked that the council will risk further damage and expense rather than invest in a more robust padlock. It's obvious to most people which is the cheaper option. It seems the council can find cash for ridiculous garden projects like the Ship, the Drum and the Anchor which are now totally uncared for and overgrown.

    Posted anonymously at 22:16, Wednesday 27 November 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

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