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36 Kenwyn Drive NW2 7NT

Reported via desktop in the Private tree / hedge overgrown / overhanging the highway category anonymously at 22:33, Monday 28 October 2024

Sent to Brent Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6669550.

My neighbour's overgrown tree is overhanging the pavements, catching on the electrics and hitting my windows when it is windy. I am disabled and the tree has shed an enormous amount of leaves on to my pathway, driveway and on the pavement which makes it extremely dangerous for me to walk on those areas because I am a very high risk of falling. I have had Blue Badge. I have texted the landlord of the property who has not responded to my texts. I am unable to sweep up the leaves because of my disability and I am unable to safely exit my property because there are leaves everywhere. Please can you contact the landlord urgently because I am at risk of falling.

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