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Just as you turn to Beckett close nw10 9bs someone dumped loads of rubbish that’s obscuring footpath and the road.

Reported via desktop in the Overgrown / overhanging private tree / hedge category anonymously at 17:04, Sunday 29 September 2024

Sent to Brent Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6530142.

Just as you turn to Beckett close nw10 9bs someone dumped loads of rubbish that’s obscuring footpath and the road. I suspect someone if needed but what this really needs is cctv. Since the gate for the housing association car park been locked. People are now dumping garbage there. Please can someone install cctv on the light pole and record and fine people doing this. It’s really disgusting. Thank you

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  • Thank you for your report. This is now being actioned within our enforcement system and this report has been closed.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Brent Council at 08:13, Tuesday 1 October 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.