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Parking lot

Reported via desktop in the Estates maintenance problem category anonymously at 14:42, Tuesday 23 April 2024

Sent to Brent Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5889814.

I don't think this parking lot is ever maintained - I've received some letter in the past for some parking enforcement being put in place - but I was on holiday till I got to vote and then I received another letter saying it's been voted not to have anything. I don't get why I am paying for resident parking - when my neighbors say they don't pay because there's nobody to come and give fines. What is wrong with you people not managing who comes in and out. There's all sort of people coming to park here and don't even live on the premises. Me, who I am also paying, go our at lunch time to buy food and when I come back there goes my space, I have no space. Plumbers come and have meetings with their vans in this parking lot. Is this normal? Why is no warden taking care of this space?

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  • Dear Anghel Sinzieanu,

    Thank you for your message regarding the parking on your estate. As you rightly pointed out, we had a parking consultation on your estate for residents to decide if they wanted controlled parking or not, and the majority of residents that engaged in the exercise voted No. what this means is that there is no parking enforcement on your estate, and people are allowed to park on a first come, first served basis. You did mention that you are paying for parking. This is not my understanding of the situation. Since Wing ceased to operate on council estates in December 2022, estates that do not have controlled parking like yours, are free to park without cost. If you are still paying for parking, please let us know so that this can be addressed. I hope this addresses your concerns. If you have nay other related issue, please contact me on Yours Sincerely, Bamidele Osinowo

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Brent Council at 12:52, Thursday 25 April 2024

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