Under bridge stairs and ramps - both sides of A406
Reported via desktop in the Fly-tipping category anonymously at 12:50, Tue 2 April 2024
Sent to Brent Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5795323.
I have attached below various correspondence on this matter, together with the reference numbers.
In response to your reply today, I have already said I know this is a matter for your Enforcement Team; I also know the land is a Red Route and the responsibility of TfL. We have covered this point too.
I am asking you to let me know what the current position is and what Brent Council Enforcement Team has done in coordination with TfL, Tesco and the Canals and Rivers Trust. That means either you or the Enforcement Team is required to respond to me and update me.
At present, there has been no improvement; in fact, the situation has grown worse and continues to do so.
As I have also previously said to Brent Council and will say again, the accumulated mess impacts severely on me and my neighbours, all of whom pay Council Tax to Brent Council. I have also informed you from the beginning that the pollution and vermin breach Health and Safety legislation.
I ask once again what has been done to rectify the position, which involves at least four parties: Brent Council, TfL, Tesco and the Canals and Rivers Trust.
Thank you.
FixMyStreet ref: 5781057.
You have said this has been reported to your Enforcement team. I have had nothing further in response. We are agreed that this is a matter for Brent Council to coordinate with TfL, Tesco, and Canal and River Trust to rectify and also to ensure this ongoing problem, which impacts on properties in Woodheyes Road (Health and Safety legislation responsibilities), is corrected with an enduring solution. Please provide an update.
Sent to Brent Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5432377.
I have already explained to you that this area is the responsibility of TfL. Your response that you can do nothing is a cop-out.
As I wrote before, both sides of the bridge are equally bad and the action required is a concerted effort by the Council, TfL and Tesco to put it right.
Please let me know if I need to speak directly with my Councillors for action to be taken or whether you are prepared to arrange the way forward in conjunction with TfL and Tesco.
As it stands, the pollution and associated vermin affects properties bordering onto the area, and which certainly come under your remit as they are liable to Council Tax.
Thank you.
The original report and reference number:
FixMyStreet ref: 5432111.
This area is routinely used for dumping all types of rubbish. It is an ongoing problem which has been reported to the Council and TfL on many occasions, with occasional attention but no plan for tackling it. Under both sides are equally bad (the other side is inside the Tesco car park) and are a health hazard too, with vermin multiplying across both sites. Please would the Council draw up a plan with TfL and Tesco to deal with this effectively once and for all. My suggestion to TfL has been to cage in the whole bridge, such as where the A406 passes over the Underground opposite Neasden station but no action has been taken. The ongoing problem on both sides of the A406 is a nuisance, a health hazard and dangerous. Thank you.
Report abuse Get updates Problems nearby UPDATES Allocated to Crew
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Brent Council at 08:31 today
The crew have reported they are unable to deal with this problem as it is not on the public highway.
Problems on private land are for the land owner to deal with. Private land can include: driveways; service roads behind shops; land near garages and surrounding blocks of flats.
Private land also includes land owned by housing associations such as Network Homes, Notting Hill Genesis and Catalyst Housing.
State changed to: No further action
Posted by Brent Council at 08:35 today
This problem needs to be managed by our Enforcement Team not our Street Cleansing contractor, so we have closed this report and passed the details on to the Enforcement Team.
Allocated to Crew
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Brent Council at 12:51, Tue 2 April 2024
Not from the council.
You are writing to the waste contractor, Veolia, when you use this category. They can only reply with standard responses because of the way their computer systems work. The most they can do with this is give you another referred to enforcement reply.
For complex areas like this, I think the only practical way of chasing them is through the relevant councillors. Report Brent/FixMyStreet is definitely not designed for asking questions.
(Although the response talks about the Street Cleansing contractor in the third person, it is actually being sent by that contractor, which is why they have no information on enforcement progress, which are, currently, handled by the council itself.
I think the enforcement team treat information about investigations in progress as confidential, so would not provide details here.)
Posted anonymously at 13:12, Tue 2 April 2024
Unfortunately the problem reported is not in a location covered by our Street Cleansing contractor to whom it has been sent, so we have had to close this report.
State changed to: No further action
Posted by Brent Council at 13:11, Wed 3 April 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.